Psychosocial Center
The services provided in the Psychosocial Center are for adult immigrants living in all parts of Frankfurt am Main who have general mental illnesses, psychosocial or psychosomatic problems or chronic mental illnesses. The psychosocial center is subject to the psychiatrical control of the city of Frankfurt. It consists of five departments that cooperate very closely. The team consists of professionals with different qualifications and of different ethnic origins. All members of staff speak at least one other language besides German.
a) Psychosocial Guidance Office
This office is responsible for immigrants who have general or severe mental problems/illnesses. It offers outpatient psychological or social guidance, companionship and care after an inpatient or psychiatric treatment. Our clients learn to recognize and accept their problems or illnesses and to cope with them. Through this they should attain psychosocial stabilization and be able to take responsibility for their actions.
b) International Meeting Place
This meeting place is for people of all cultures who have mental problems which cannot be taken care of in other social-psychiatric institutions. Our services are also directed to the families, friends and acquaintances of these people. Goals are to meet new people, to develop self-esteem, to discover new interests and hobbies and to reduce prejudice against mentally ill people. Our work consists of free-time activities, sports, group activities, guidance and different discussion groups.
c) International Day Care Center
Our target group consists of adults from all nationalities who are chronically/mentally ill and live in Frankfurt am Main.
Goals: mental stabilisation, creating a daily routine, developing the ability to work. Our work consists of creating a daily routine, sports, gymnastics, swimming, dancing, group activities, one-to-one talks, occupational therapy, working with clay, drawing, gardening, concentration trainings, therapy groups, free-time activities.
d) Supervised living
Our target group consists of chronically ill adult immigrants living in Frankfurt am Main.
Our goal is to enable the clients to take responsibility for their lives. We support our clients in their apartments and also while they are with their partners or other family members. Our work consists of one-to-one guidance, family guidance, prevention of and coping with crises.
e) Outpatient Psychosocial Care for Asylum Seekers
Target group: mentally ill and emotionally unstable asylum seekers assigned to Frankfurt am Main.
Goals: psychosocial stabilisation regardless of the limited possibilities given by law.
Contents of our work: one-to-one guidance, talks with family and relatives, crisis intervention and support in crisis, free time activities.
Psychosoziales Zentrum
Ostendstrasse 70
60314 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: 069 9434440
Fax: 069 94344470
Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5.30 pm
Call for an appointment!
Our team will be happy to give you further information about the Psychosocial Center.
You can find further information about the International Family Center (IFZ) on our German web site.
Our head office:
Internationales Familienzentrum e.V.
Wiesenhüttenplatz 33
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: 0049 (0)69 27221638